1997 Purpose This year's experiment deals specifically with chemicals and substances which can be added to the worm bins in order to speed up the process of vermicomposting. As an extension of last year's experiment, "Effectiveness of Vermicomposting on Various Household Materials," this experiment both continues with our original purpose of assisting to reduce the universal problems of accumulating garbage and stands on its own as an experiment to assist others in the field of vermicomposting. Last year, the purpose was to discover which common household materials the worms could compost and at what rate, whereas this year, chemicals were added to the bins to speed up the rate of vermicomposting itself. The purpose of this year's project was to discover what professional vermiculturists and home vermicomposters alike may do to have a more effective environment in which the worms can compost materials at a faster, thus a more helpful, rate. Leading vermiculturists(technical scientists, field researchers, authors of vermicomposting literature) all across North America helped us to determine what substances might be helpful to experiment with. We will be sending them our results so that they might use them to benefit in their own field of research.